Neuro-Intensive Therapy at

Holistic Healing and

Chiropractic Center

Neuro-Intensive Therapy

Our intensive program will help children who have: developmental delays, primitive reflexes, balance and vestibular issues, motor deficits, behavioral difficulties, involuntary movements, dyslexia, learning delays, cognitive delays, traumatic brain injuries, genetic differences and much more.

These programs are tailored to a child’s unique needs and include two or more hours a day for 4 days. Not only do we focus on reflex integration but brain hemispheric balancing with the use of multiple modalities within the office. After each intensive, a customized treatment plan is given to each patient with additional resources, exercises, and any recommended follow-up for at home and in the office.


Many kids struggle with primitive reflexes and, in turn, symptoms that range from sensory issues, muscle tone, balance, and poor cognitive brain function.

We are born with primitive reflexes that help us develop in the first year of life. These reflexes help us move, eat, and thrive. Primary reflexes help our brain to develop optimally and they are extremely important to the sensory systems in our body. When these reflexes do not develop well, there can be a variety of symptoms from sensory and behavioral issues to physical movement difficulties.

A solid neurological foundation begins with the integration of these primitive reflexes. Therefore, our intensive program will focus on primitive reflexes and helping kids with: behavioral difficulties, involuntary movements, learning delays, cognitive delays, traumatic brain injuries, developmental coordination disorder, and more.

Primitive reflex retention is vital for proper development of the brain and nervous system. When these reflexes are not integrated, symptoms such as ADHD/ADD, dyslexia/learning disorders, autism, OCD, Tourette syndrome, depression, anxiety, various mental disorders and others, have been noted. By properly integrating primitive reflexes, the brain functions at its most optimum level.

As the mother of a child with Down syndrome, Dr. Sarah knows firsthand how beneficial laser therapy can be, especially in the area of primitive reflex integration.

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we may be able to help you.

Get In Touch

Holistic Healing and

Chiropractic Center

283 S. Zeeb Rd, Suite M

Ann Arbor, MI 48103

(734) 369-2032

283 S Zeeb Rd suite m, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, USA


Tuesday 9-6

Wednesday 9-6

Thursday 9-6

Friday 9-4

Holistic Healing and

Chiropractic Center

283 S. Zeeb Rd, Suite M

Ann Arbor, MI 48103

(734) 369-2032